Sunday, August 14, 2011

10 Step Surgery

So, things went well in the surgery room with Dr. Grainger, my reproductive organs, and I.

There's not very much to say, as I don't really remember most of it.
I do remember, however, that the drugs were great.

10 things I remember:

1. Dave and my parents got to drink free coffee and I didn't.   

2. When the nurse put in my iv, my blood squirted everywhere.  It went all over my sheets, my hand and arms, and her pants.  

3.  I got some sweet, free booties to wear on my feet.  And, I got to take them home.
Make sure to notice my crooked glasses from 2003. And, of course, no picture is complete without my double quadruple chin.
4.  They hooked me up to some monitors.  And then I eavesdropped on the guy in the cubby-hole next to me.  He was old.

5. Dave entertained me.

6.  Dr. Grainger made sure he looked like a dork.

7.  I did too. I am H-O-T.

8.  A couple of hours later, I went home.  Completely out of it. It was fantastic.

9.  Everything went smoothly--I even got some pictures for my scrapbook.

10.  Then this girl got some Jimmy John's (swoon, swoon) for dinner.

 I go in at the end of this week to get a few things taken care of. 

I'm feeling really, really good.  Not even half as sore I was last year when I had this done. I am moving around pretty easily (Don't tell Dave, though.  I like having a servant-man-slave).

I'll be ready for kiddos on Tuesday for sure.

Thanks for your prayers--they did wonders for me and my organs. :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad that your surgery went well. Praying for a quick and complete recovery!

    Also thankful that your first day of school went well. Seeing people for the first time since losing Isaac is always hard for me as well. Hugs!


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