Wednesday, May 30, 2012


1.  Recently Read

The year after I graduated from college, I spent a year teaching English to teenagers and adults in Lithuania.
Yeah, I know.
Most people have no idea where Lithuania is.
Or that it is an absolutely beautiful country.
With even more beautiful people.
My sister sent this book to me for my birthday.
You can read more about it here,
but if you like books about World War II, Anne Frank, and the like,
you'll love this one.

2.  Recently Finished

There's only so long that you can herd cats without going insane.

3. Lately
D's brother and his family are on a 2 month visit from where they are working in Bolivia.
It's been great having them back in town
and I'm pretty sure that Dave has loved having his brother here again.

Moving cattle

Blonde Harder boy.

Memorial Day Picnic
Luckily, we get to spend a bit more time with them in June up in Mini-soda.

4.  Birthday Gift
Courtesy of her Etsy Shop.
My ma is an internet wizard.  She can find anything on the internet.
I don't know how she does it.
She found this pendant for my birthday.
A symbol of Maggie and Nugget.
Go visit the shop- her stuff is absolutely beautiful
and it is all her original artwork that is etched into the silver.

5.  Prayers Needed
For a friend and her husband who experienced a miscarriage again this week.
The third time doesn't make it any easier.
It's just as heartbreaking.

And for several friends who are in the process of adoption or thinking about adoption.
Those who are wanting to adopt have to have hearts of gold and steel.
If you think that infertility and pregnancy loss are difficult,
I believe that adoption can be just as difficult.
And these families need our prayers.

6.  Try Not To Cry

And, I'm a bit obsessed with the Olympics.
Can't wait.

7.  A little blubbery after this...

8. I'm done.
More updates will come on this thing
now that school is done (crazy busy)
and life is a bit calmer.

9. Happy Summer 

1 comment:

  1. Great post...been wondering how you are doing. :) I also appreciated the book recommendation. I recently finished Sara's Key and HIGHLY recommend - along the same lines as Between Shades of Gray. If you read it, be sure to clear your schedule - it will hook you and you will want to do nothing else but read! :)Happy summer vacay.


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