Sunday, December 4, 2011


Christmas came early.
My sweet, sweet friend and co-worker 
handed me a box this week.
And, inside was this.
Isn't it beautiful?
It's hanging front and center on our tree.
(The tree that our cat is obsessed it and will not leave alone.  She's going to National Lampoon herself pretty soon if she's not careful.)

 Even Fergie likes it.

And, next to Maggie's ornament is the oldest one that I have.

I got it for my first Christmas from my Aunt Ellen.
She's not technically my aunt, but she is.
In our hearts.
She made this for me 31 years ago.
This past May her wonderful husband, Dan, passed away.
He joined Maggie.
Ellen and I know that Dan is teasing and hugging Maggie.
Just like he teased and hugged me.

So, I'm hanging it next to Maggie's.
So that I can remember Ellen
and Dan.
And pray for peace
and moments of joy
amidst the moments of remembering
and sadness.


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