Monday, March 28, 2011

I found these

I just booted up our old laptop (by old I mean that I had to press the power button-not exaggerating- 14 times).  I don't use this computer that much anymore because 1.) the aforementioned problem with getting it to start; 2.) it will randomly shut down in the middle of an "important" task, like a winning game of "Word Whomp"; 3.) I get 2nd degree burns if I leave it resting on my legs too long. 

Anyways, I had left the CD in the drive from our 20 week ultrasound.  I looked through them again.  And again.  And again.  She's probably the cutest thing I've ever seen. And she has the cutest little feet and hands.  Or had the cutest little feet? I guess I should use the past tense, right?

The doctor's office usually doesn't do 3D pictures (unless you want to pay extra) and they usually don't do them at 20 weeks.  Maggie wasn't cooperating so they had to bust out the 3D ultrasound.  So thankful they did.  If you look closely enough you can see her little arm and hand up by her head. 

Below are some of her adorable little feet and toes.   At this point they were almost 3 centimeters long. 
Cutest.  Girl.  Ever.


  1. Yes, she was fearfully and wonderful made. Thank you for sharing these pictures.

  2. I love her sweet feet! What a precious baby.


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